Notes on the spindle

Very interesting analysis of the gun control debate and how those on each extreme may be assessing what’s going on.

Steven Hayward links an article in The Economist that assesses the current situation in climate change.

New York Magazine profiles a feminist choosing and finding happiness in being at home working on raising her children.

Jay Cost on the changing political environment in an age where the growth of the economy can no longer support the growth of the government.

Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post points out the relative insignificance of the President’s dinners with GOP Congressmen and Senators.

An anecdote about the California Coastal Commission that demonstrates a reality about government agencies: they act for their own interests, not for the interests of the people or business being regulated. Filling a hole in a campground took 2 years and thousands of dollars for basically no reason except proving the commission’s power. Wait until access to major health care services is governed by the same sort of process.

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